1.8sNo. Don't you remember, Peter?
3.25sIt was on Thanksgiving that their son Kevin got killed in Iraq.
3.25sOh, yeah. Wait, wait, which... Which Iraq war was that again?
3.94sWas that the one from before I had a cell phone or the one from after I had a cell phone?
2.7sYou guys, thanks so much for having us over.
3.84sWell, we're just glad we can have people over again now that that giant crab's gone.
2.2sHey, guys, how ya doin'? Come on in.
1.38s(RAPIDLY) No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
1.53sNo, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
2.5sJust go around it. He's not gonna hurt ya. Just go around it.
2.23sNo, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no,
1.07sno, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.
1.6sAll right, try just going under him.