1.27sNow I get it.
3.97sNow the pieces are falling into place.
5.02sThe office, the promotion that dwarf in my book club who steals my opinions.
1.85sIt's all coming together now.
3.89sI must say this opens my eyes.
3.14sAnother case closed, my dear Watson.
1.77sHe's stuck in a loop.
2.47sFor I was blind but now I see.
2.37sThe cat's out of the bag now.
1.82sMr. Bender, about last night--
2.6sThat was just a... a misunderstanding.
1.3sOh, you didn't understand?
1.3sWell, let me explain.
2.22sYou were having sex with you.
3.94sNo, you see, a bureaucrat of my rank isn't supposed to fraternize.