2.54sNo. I just got a big tax refund.
3sUncle Sam sent me $500.
1.23sI got $600!
1.23sI got $850!
1.57sI got a rock.
3.15sI spent my refund on a digital T.V. with Surround Sound.
4.02sit's got headphones, so I can watch my Steven Seagal movies without waking Bonnie.
3.02sI spent my refund on a plug- in Playmate.
1.27sSo, schoolteacher.
2.78sThat--That must be interesting.
2.3sWell, i-I'm getting something really special, too.
3.74sAnd--And by special, I don't mean special like that Klinemann boy down the street.
3.94sMore special like--like Special K, the cereal.
1.93sHey, What did they do with the regular K?
2.54sAnd for that matter, whatever happened to Kaye Ballard?