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2.03sProbably just a random act of violence.
2.94sI thought only he without sin could cast the first Prius.
3.24s(PEOPLE CLAMORING) Oh, my God! That was a close one.
2.67sBrian, what happened? I'm a pariah, Lois.
1.73sEver since Meg told everyone I'm an atheist,
2.03sI'm the most hated person in town.
1.77sI tried to rent a movie and they threw me out.
2.3sI tried to buy a pack of cigarettes and they threw me out.
3.1sBut the most serious part of it is no bar would serve me a drink.
1.67sI'm starting to get pretty desperate.
2.5sOkay, just remember to act confident. You're gonna do great.
2.14sYou look real grown up.
3.04sUh, yes, I'd like to buy some alcohol, please.
1.37sOkay, can I see your ID?
1.73sI don't have one.
2.53sYou don't? No, it's me, Chris.
1.07sOh, hey, Chris.
2.53sHey, Carl. Can I buy some alcohol?
2.3sNo. Oh, okay.
1.7sHey, you know what's a great movie?
1.07sThe Reaping?