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2.77sOh, You can call me Officer T.J. Hooker!
2.73sSheriff Officer T.J. Hooker!
2.43sAnd this is my deputy, McMillan and Wife.
1.55sWell, I hated T.J. Hooker!
2.2sAnd I never actually saw McMillan and Wife!
3.22sAlthough I was aware of it! Anyway, you're dead!
1.85sHa! You're mine now, fella!
1.73sAh! Ah! Oh!
1.63sAh! Dad! Help!
1.64sHelp! Dad!
1.12sYou folks all right?
2.2sWow! You guys saved our lives.
6.74sAnd After I said that all Southern people have bad teeth and suffer from the gum disease known as gingivitis.
1.48sWell, We take care of our own.
3.54sAnd as long as y'all live here, y'all are Southerners, too.
1.27sWow, thanks!
1.23sIt's our pleasure.
2sSam, I'll see you at home.
3.57sYou know, I think the lesson here is it really doesn't matter where you're from,