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2.17swhere they seat the sorry-ass losers!
5.69sUlysses S. Grant, you invite me to lunch then show up an hour late, drunk?
3.05sI was busy looking for your wife to give her the old--
2.12sSir, this means war!
1.1sI am vanquished.
4.84sI hereby declare victory in the name of the Confederacy!
1.75sUh, Excuse me.
3.2sUh, uh, I don't think that's how it happened. I-I'm pretty sure the North won.
1.28sWhat are you saying, fella?
4.45sI'm saying that drunken idiot kicked your sorry asses south of the Donna Dixon line!
2.7sWe don't take too kindly to that sort of talk, Mister.
3.7sAnd I sure as shoot don't want your kid hanging around with my kid.
3.92sAnd if you think I'm mad now, you got to answer to them Civil War survivors!
1.97sYeah. That's right.