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0.53sfilmed the movie Nine Months.
2.59sYou want me to replace the villain with a dog?
1.93sI mean, nobody will know what's going on.
2.48sThey will if you set up that the dog is evil.
2.17sAll you have to do is show him doing this--
2.44sAnd people will suspect the dog.
3.72sMaybe this wasn't a good idea, Homer. I'm sorry I dragged you out here.
1.93sLet me pay your bus fare home.
3.24sUh, uh, uh. Now here's your biggest problem of all.
2.85sThe filibuster scene? That was jimmy Stewart's favorite.
2.6sAnd it was fine for the 1930s.
3.55sThe country was doing great back then. Everyone was into talking.
2.23sBut now, in whatever year this is,
2.07sthe audience wants action.
2.07sAnd seats with beverage holders.
1.99sBut mainly action.