2.77sOr "I'm going crazy !"
3.95sWhy don't you climb up on Daddy's knee and tell him all about it.
2.57sI'm just wondering what's the point ?
3.24sWould it make any difference at all if I never existed ?
3.4sHow can we sleep at night when there's so much suffering in the world ?
2.77sWell, I-- Uh--
4.27sLisa, honey, why don't we go upstairs and I'll draw you a nice hot bath.
2sThat helps me when I feel sad.
3.67sSorry, Dad. I know you mean well. Thanks for knowing I mean well.
3sGee, Homer. Looks like you got yourself a real problem on your hands.
3.12sYeah, right. Uh, Bart, vacuum this floor.
2.27sHey, man. I didn't do anything wrong !
3.94sIn times of trouble you've got to go with what you know. Now, hop to it, boy !