3.35sSay, buddy, why is this Grand Cigar so pricey?
1.8sWell, as you can see,
3.34sits wrapper is a piece of the original U.S. Constitution.
2.44sIt was hand-rolled by Queen Elizabeth...
1.94sduring her "wild" years...
1.94sand was buried with George Burns,
3.97suntil grave-robbing space mushrooms-- well, you know the rest.
0.53sGive you 300 bucks for it.
1.74sNo can do.
1.85sOh, all right.
3.67sI'll just take these $300 burglar's tools then.
1.95sVery good, sir.
3.34sSo, uh, what time you close tonight?
1.92sHey, Pops! Did that tax rebate come?
1.93sCame and went!
3.85sYou're now the proud owner of Bamboo Boogie Boots.