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5.2sversus Gender Bender, who wears a pink tutu.
6.81sThis is Rich Little, imitating Howard Cosell here at ringside with George Foreman.
2.27sGeorge, a word in edgewise.
7.01sThis could be the most one-sided fight since 1973 when Ali faced an 80-foot-tall, mechanical joe Frazier.
1.65sM-My memory's not what it used to be,
2.4sbut I think the entire Earth was destroyed.
1.88sInteresting, if true.
5.71sThe Vegas odds tonight stand at an unprecedented 1,000:0.
5.44sA bet of zero dollars on Bender pays $1,000 if he wins.
2.57sStill, very few takers.
1.87sIt's not-not a smart bet.
2sAccording to the script,