1.83sOh-- See?
2.7sThere. Right as rain.
2.52sHomer, it's that evil gypsy's curse.
3.57sWe're all being punished because you trashed her office.
6.11sMarge, that "curse" is just a lot of silly superstition. Right, Lisa?
1.99sHomer, the only way to get rid of a gypsy curse...
1.73sis to get one of those, uh--
1.72sWhat do you call them? Leprechauns.
3.44sLeprechaun? Don't they live in Ireland?
3.67sYeah. But they come over here in the wheel wells of Aer Lingus jets.
3.69sYou know, I was hexed by a troll, and a leprechaun cured that right up.
1.95sHey, you know, what's even better is Jesus.
2.03sHe's like six leprechauns.