1.45sBrian, what are you doing?
1.03sOh, Hi, Lois.
1.75sI was just washing some things.
2sThose look like our sheets and our quilt.
1.07sThey are.
1.85sI'm washing them in some fabric softener,
2.28sbecause last night they were so itchy I couldn't sleep,
3.6sthat's why I was downstairs when you asked if everything was ok, and I said I couldn't sleep.
1.45sYou know, because it was so itchy.
1.42sCome on, Stewie.
2.62sDon't you want to pee in a toilet bowl like a big boy?
2.67sI remember when I learned to use a potty all by myself.
1.58sI was so proud.
3.12sHey, Lois! I did it!
3.29sWell, perhaps I could give it the old college try.