1.13snot now.
1.28sBut soon!
2.17sOh, oh, And I want these, and these, and these.
1.3sOnly one.
2.4sBut--But that man over there got 2!
4.15sPeter, I don't care what the other men are getting. You're only getting one.
2.25sSo it's been you all along!
1.63sOh, This is too perfect!
2sI've been taking the blame for Rex.
1.47sEww! It's everywhere!
2.59sIt's ok. Meg, hand me my sweater.
1.92sJeez, Brian, where do you think you are? Payless?
2.84sI say, I say, Paco, grab a mop.
5.39sGod's sake Could somebody get Patches out of here before he decides to bend a fresh biscuit on the conveyor belt?