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2.16s- Seems a little insincere. - What? No,
1.59sYou don't have to mollycoddle me.
1.99sI want to improve my writing. Tell me your real thoughts.
2.94sAll right. Well, um, I'm not a huge fan, personally,
1.9sof the whole "three weeks earlier" teaser thing.
1.47sI feel like, you know,
2.9swe should start our stories where they begin not start them where they get interest--
1.59s- Get out. - Um, what?
1.73sNo, I'm sick ofthis. You bang on my door,
1.93syou beg me to help you, I share something personal with you,
1.33sand you take a giant shit on it.
1.7sHey, man, we asked if we could put up a beacon --
1.43sWell, you can't. I want you out of here.
1.43sYou're a petty person, and you're insecure,
1.83sand you're taking it out on me. That's a good script.
1.19sWhat the hell?!
1.13sI don't care. I want you out.
1.27sTake that thing down.
1.87sYour grandson is a shitty person. Leave now.
1.43s- Marty! - Rick, I didn't do anything.
1.7sI sat through his entire screenplay --
1.16sYou "sat through it"?
1.9sYes! Did you want me to weep with joy?
2.73s- lt's terrible! - Whoa Marty! We're guests here.
2.7sI tried to be a good guest! He dragged it out of me!
2.26s- I'm taking down this beacon. - No, stop! That's not fair!
3.1sJust because you hate your own writing doesn't make me a bad person!