3.8s(LAUGHING) This is gonna be the best summer ever.
1.83sPETER: And it was.
3.17sBut Nate soon found himself put to work on a Southern plantation.
1.53sIt was way down there.
2.84sYou know, where you stop seeing Howard Johnsons and you start seeing Stuckey's.
2.87sWith an accent over the "I," and a little line over the "O,"
3sso you know it's a long vowel sound and not a short one.
1.97sAnd sometimes I like to dot the "I"
2.64swith a little smiley face or a heart or something.
1.6sSomething to brighten the reader's day.
1.93sI asked you what your name was.
2.94sHoney, you keep that up, it's whatever you want it to be.
1.57sPETER: Of course, back then,
1.97sthe South was a very different place than it is today.