1.97sYou wanna see a picture? Look at this.
2.4sThis is an actual picture from the book.
2.37s"Nice to see you Garfield.
1.2s"What's the matter?
1.7s"You a little agitated?
1.5s"Out to commit murder?"
2.53sCome on, Jim, your job is to give us yuks.
2.02sA job you do damn well, make no mistake.
2.89sThat's why old Peter's giving you a get-out-of-jail-free card on this one.
1.6sBut I don't wanna see another one of those.
1.97sAll right? 'Cause it scared the bejesus out of me.
2.52sAnd I had to sleep with my mother for a week.
1.5sI am quite finished.
1.65sPeter, if you want to ride that roller coaster,
2syou're going to have to go on a diet.
2.12sA diet, huh? All right, well, how's that work?
2.12sWell, I suppose you can start by keeping a food journal,
1.3slike Quagmire does.
1.47sYeah, in fact, I got it right here.
4.47sToday, I ate Peaches, Ginger, Honey, Candy, Olive.
1.5sYou know what? This is the wrong list.
2.48sAll right, if that's what it takes to ride that ride,
6.42sI am going on a diet. And I'm not stopping till I look as good as my great aunt, Legs Go All The Way Up Griffin.