2.57sYou have a good evening... (THUDDING RESUMES) Oh, my goodness.
2.19sHe must have gotten into the chicken feed again.
1.9sYou'd think they'd know it wasn't in their diet,
2.35sbut this is how they find out.
2.24sYou may want to close your mouth.
3.34sEli's father, Ezekiel, said that I can't see him anymore!
2.57sHe said I was trying to corrupt his son.
2.22sHe did, did he? Well, that does it!
2.35sWe are gonna teach this town how to dance!
1.89sOh, Meg, I'm so sorry.
2.27sI'd try to talk to Eli's father for you, honey,
1.62sbut I don't know if it's my place.
2.72sEzekiel wouldn't listen to you anyway, Lois. You're a woman.