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3.25sSo, you're telling me they broadcast commercials into people's dreams?
0.78sOf course.
1.43sBut how is that possible?
1.3sIt's very simple.
4.6sThe ad gets into your brain just like this liquid gets into this egg.
4.07sAlthough in reality it's not liquid, but gamma radiation.
1.02sThat's awful.
1.3sIt's like brainwashing.
2.37sDidn't you have ads in the 20th century?
2.22sWell, sure, but not in our dreams--
1.72sonly on TV and radio...
1.47sand in magazines...
1.1sand movies...
1.27sand at ball games...
6.62sand on buses and milk cartons and T-shirts and bananas and written on the sky but not in dreams.
1.17sNo, sirree.
1.15sQuit squawking, fleshwad.
2.03sNobody's forcing you to buy anything.
7.67sYeah. I mean, we all had commercials in our dreams but you don't see us running off to buy brand-name merchandise at low, low prices.