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1.63sStewie, I'm not giving you a choice.
1.3sYou've gotta go clean that up.
2.94sNo! No! It was literally only on the floor, all right?
2sThere was no attempt to get near the toilet.
3.4sIt's like they just pressed their buttocks against the wall.
3.5sThe only part of the floor that didn't have poo on it was the part that had a baby on it.
1.5sPeter, did you get the train tickets?
1.47sActually, no, Lois.
2.17sThere was a guy inside selling shower curtain rings,
1.17sso I bought a bunch of those.
2.2sPeter, that was the last of our cash!
2.23sThese ones have helium in them, so they're very light.
1.53sYou are unbelievable!
2.03sThe last four days have been a living hell!
1.77sOur baby is at home all by himself,
1.33syet, instead of getting us home,
2.84syou've managed to make things worse at every turn!
2.47sA monkey would be a refreshing step up from you.
1.87sA monkey would talk less.
1.33sHere's a little tip.
2.5sIf your instinct tells you to do something, don't do it!
2.1sIf your instinct tells you not to do something,
2.2sit's probably the right thing to do!