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2.2sOf all the Ricks in the central finite curve,
2.43syou're the malcontent, the rogue.
4.34sI'm the Rick, and so were the rest of you before you formed this stupid alliance.
1.66sYou wanted to be safe from the government,
1.66sso you became a stupid government.
1.66sThat makes every Rick here less Rick than me.
1.73sYeah, murmur it up, d-bags.
3.16sNow, if you'll excuse me, I've got pancakes back home with syrup on top ofthem.
3.83sThey're about to hit that critical point of syrup absorption that turns the cakes into a gross paste,
1.9sand I hate to get all Andy Rooney about it,
2.94sbut I think we all like fluffy discs of cake with syrup on top,
4.23sand I think we also like to be accused of crimes when there's evidence!
2.47sSo, as they say in Canada, peace oot!
3.6sEvidence! Good idea. Scan his portal gun!
1.23sOh, come on.
2.73sDon't look at another man's portal-gun history.
1.99sWe -- we all go to weird places.
6.8sYes, but it appears you alone have been going to the exact timelines and locations in which the murders occurred.
2.03sWhat?! That's Rick-diculous!