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1.17sYou're gonna have to tell him sometime.
5.5s(SHUSHING) Hi, Dad. Did we get any mail from Mom at the health spa today?
1.6sNope. Sorry, Chris.
2.07sShe said she's going straight from the spa right back to Europe.
3.74sBut I haven't seen Mom since she took me back-to-school shopping.
2.57sAll right, sweetie, you ready to get some new notebooks,
1.83sand protractors and slacks?
1.2sI want blue jeans.
1.63sYou're getting slacks!
1.64sHere you go, Stewie. Finish your oatmeal,
2.87sand then I'll get you ready for our Mommy and Me class.
3.17sYou know, Meg has really flourished since Lois was murdered.
2.47sWhat are you talking about? Lois' death was an accident.
4.37sWhich is just what someone who pulled off the perfect murder would want you to think.
3.24sWhat the hell are you... Stewie, did you...
1.5sDid you kill Lois?