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3.15sfor a last beer with your buddies ?
2.68sHey, Barney, look. It was on my list,
3.3salong with a lot of other things I didn't get to do today.
1.91sHey, my boss !
2.76sSmithers, check out the luscious pair on that redhead.
3sThat's it, baby. Work those ankles.
1.98sRing-a-ding-ding, sir.
2.12sHey, Burns, eat my shorts !
1.87sWho the Sam Hill was that ?
4.14sWhy, it's Homer Simpson, sir. One of the schmoes from Sector 7G.
3.92sSimpson, eh ? I want him in my office at 9:00 Monday morning.
3.04sWe'll see who eats whose shorts.
2.05sWow. Of all the luck.
3.7sTo think I almost died without telling the boss to eat my shorts.
4.89sOh, Homer, come on ! You got time for one last beer.
2.09sPlease !