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2.64sCould you--Could you help me do it, Brian?
1.45sSure, Peter, I'd be honored.
5.15sWell, I was wondering if I could put a little saddle on your back and ride you like a horsy.
1.8sOh, Ok--ok. No, i--I understand.
1.63sIt's too much. It's ok.
2.94sy'kNow, I like Hillary Clinton. I don't care what anyone says--
2.18sAhhh! Peter, what-- Hya! Hya!
1.73sI can feel all the bones in your ass!
1.77sHya! Hya! Oh, come on, Come on.
1.53sI see you.
2.44sBut, Mom, it could change my life!
3.07sMeg, for the last time, you're not gettin' plastic surgery.
2.3sWhy not? It's totally safe.
1.8sA lot of famous people have done it.
2.97sMy son, your place is here in the ice village.
2.3sYou know nothing of Hollywood and its ways.
2.2sBut, Father, I have dreams, and courage,
2.27sand the name of an excellent cosmetic surgeon.