3.62sWhat are you talking about? If I wanted to embarrass him, I'd do something like this.
1.07sHey, Hey, everybody!
1.9sHey, Look what Chris Griffin's father,
1.33sPeter Griffin's doing!
1.35sStop it!
2.54sChris, Why don't you want to take your shirt off?
1.67sOh, Because I'm fat.
2.72sOh, Honey, no one thinks you're fat.
3.1sI'm sorry, sir. You can't park your van on the diving board.
1.37sThis is my son!
1.17sOh, My apologies.
3.27sHey, Tom! He's not a van! He's just a fat kid!
1.38sDon't listen to him, ChrIs.
1.79sI'm gonna go get you a soda. You wait herE.