2.87sDon't worry about nothin', Homer. I have a feeling...
4.47sthat Mr. Burns is gonna have a little accident that might keep him...
3.5sfrom bowlin' with us tonight, heh, heh, heh.
5sSmithers, that precision assault popped it back into place. Thank you, masked stranger!
2.63sD'oh! He's gonna ruin everything! All right. That's it, Homer.
2.03sEither Burns goes, or Moe goes.
2.54sYes, I am afraid that I am going to have to make a similar threat...
2.13swith my name in place of Moe's name.
2.8sSo, who's ready to kick some Christian keister?
3.57sOh, uh, Mr. Burns, as team captain,