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1.35sYes. And I've had enough!
1.62sI'm breaking up with you!
7.49s(GASPS) We were going out? (WHOOPS) I mean, no!
2.65sAnd keep your stupid chicken hat, too!
4.55sAnd the worst part is, I had to have the breakup sex by myself!
3.65s(CRYING) Fry, some of us have real problems.
3.85sI just learned there are people with fancier sausage meats than me!
6.81s(CRYING) I hate future Oktoberfest! It's supposed to be beer and bratwurst,
3snot breakups and boring thing!
1.47sAUTOMATED VOICE: For hundreds of years,
2.2sOktoberfest has been held here,
2.04sin the fertile Neander Valley,
6.74swhere prehistoric man once hunted the majestic Schnufel-Ufagus or woolly mammoth.