3.07sBart! You said you were gonna name it Camp Freedom!
2.2sAah, this has more zing.
2.2sI dub thee Sir--
2.42sUrgent call for Mr. Clown.
3.04sThis better be important. Oy, gevalt!
3.5sYour neck is a well-cooked piece of asparagus.
4.19sWe interrupt Sadrudin Mabaradad's Yoga Party for this special bulletin--
0.49s"Krisis at Kamp Krusty."
3.15sLadies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq,
2.19sand I can say without hyperbole...
3.79sthat this is a million times worse than all of them put together.
4.04sBurn, Krusty, burn! Burn, Krusty, burn!