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2.13sEventually, everything either is or isn't.
2.4sAnd we've got about four hours to be "Is."
2.06s- Or...? - We isn't.
2.69sAll right, since this time crystal exists in both possibilities,
1.93sand since it's impossible that I didn't nail this,
4sI'm probably about to press this button in both possibilities at exactly the same time.
1.56s- How do you know -- - How do you know that --
1.52sWhatever your asking me, the answer is I'm amazing.
1.93sAnd away we go.
2.56sHuh, what do you know. It's working.
2.63s- Ow, ow, ow! - Oh shit.
2.09sWhat the hell is wrong with you two?
1.19sl-l-l-l mean you four!
1.87sBOTH: That hurt! That was painful.
1.99sGood, I'm glad it was painful. You deserve it.
2.7sI saw you. Y-you're both all over the damn place.
4.43sWe've been split for 20 minutes and your lives are already scattered to the quantum fucking wind?
4.19sWhat the hell do either of you two have to be so uncertain about? Your brand of zit cream?
1.99sWhich chair to sit in while I do everything?
1.16sCome on, spit it out!
0.93sWell, you don't exactly make it easy, Rick.
1.4sYou make fun of me all the time...
1.49sYou're always picking on me... ...and now Summer's doing it,
0.83s...and now you got Summer to kiss your ass.
1.43sMe?! What about you?