1.16sCome on, spit it out!
0.93sWell, you don't exactly make it easy, Rick.
1.4sYou make fun of me all the time...
1.49sYou're always picking on me... ...and now Summer's doing it,
0.83s...and now you got Summer to kiss your ass.
1.43sMe?! What about you?
1.02sYou're just as mean to me because you're jealous...
0.97scould you get more excited to see me fail?
1.49sBecause you want grandpa all to yourself!
1.83sAll right, all right, cool it, I see what's happening here.
3sYou're both young, you're both unsure about your place in the universe,
1.8sand you both want to be Grandpa's favorite.
1.73sI can fix this. Marty, sit here.
1.52sSummer, you sit here. Now, listen.
2.86sI know the two of you are very different from each other in a lot of ways,
2.9sbut you have to understand that as far as Grandpa's concerned,
1.63syou're both pieces of shit. Yeah.
1.26sI can prove it mathematically.
1.66sActually, l-l-let me grab my white board.
1.66sThis has been a long time coming, anyway.