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3sListen, I'm not the nicest guy in the universe because I'm the smartest.
3.17sAnd being nice is something stupid people do to hedge their bets.
2.79sNow, I haven't been exactly subtle about how little I trust marriage.
1.3sI couldn't make it work,
1.56sand I could turn a black hole into a sun,
7.14sso at a certain point, you got to ask yourself what are the odds this is legit and notjust some big lie we're all telling ourselves because we're afraid to die alone?
2.8sBecause, you know, that's exactly how we all die -- alone.
0.97s- Oh, boy, - Oh, Dad.
1.97sBut -- But... here's the thing.
1.9sBirdperson is my best friend,
2.73sand if he loves Tammy, well, then I love Tammy, too.
3.53sTo friendship, to love, and to my greatest adventure yet --
2.47sOpening myself up to others.
1.49sSU M M ER: Hear, hear! Cheers!
1.93sCheers to that, motherfucker!
2.66sThank you, Rick. That was beautiful.
3.09sGosh, I look around this room, and I think,