1.7sYeah, neither does a soft summer breeze,
1.63sor a letter from an old friend.
1.67sI'm pretty sure envelopes have edges.
1.64sFine, an e-mail, dick.
1.2sWhatever. You know what? I don't care.
2.27sI think Anne Murray sucks, and that's my opinion.
2.42sOh, yeah? Well, I'm going to make a believer out of you, Brian.
2.15sI am going to show you the true meaning of Anne Murray.
2.3sDon't waste your time. I'm not going to change my mind.
2.37sAnd here's baby boy number one.
3.37sI understand you've decided to name him Stewie.
0.97sOne more to go.
1.83sAnd here he... Oh.
1.1sOh, dear.
2.34sOh, no, did Dave not make it?
3.09sOkay, Meg, I've cleaned your room and I did your homework.