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1.58sI beg to differ.
2.62sStinking bureaucrats. I hate them!
5.31sThen again, you might be able to find Inspector 5 with the help of another seasoned bureaucrat.
1.63sHermes, old pal.
3.75sOld pal? 8.5 seconds ago, you said you hated me.
2sTime heals all wounds.
2.14sYou know what? I will help you,
3.3sbut only to prove I'm not just a paper-pushing file jockey.
2.13sWill you be taking your portable filing cabinet?
1.48sNone of your beeswax.
5sI'll only be away an hour, but I'm counting on you to do the all-critical filing in my absence.
2.13sShall we review alphabetical order?
1.37sA, B, C, D...
1.17sGet out of my office!