1.73sJust hang on and figure this out.
2.07sHan, there are Stormtroopers all over the place.
1.47sShouldn't we be getting out of here?
3.44sAll right, okay, all right, I got it, I know...
1.17sHere's what we're gonna do.
1.5sWe're going to take the cushions off,
2.37sunscrew the legs, take the mattress out,
1.97sand this whole thing is going to be a lot simpler.
1.67sIt's easier than we're making it.
1.23sHey, did you hear something?
2.37sProbably just another drill.
2.17sYou know that last drill we had?
2.94sI was about to finally bone my girlfriend,
5.44sand then we heard that there was this drill and she told me there was no way.