3.34s(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Oompah music. Das ist gut.
4.87s(AUDIENCE AGREES) Euthanasia for the mentally feeble. Das ist gut.
5.35s(AUDIENCE MURMURS) ANNOUNCER: Das Ist Gut is filmed before an audience of the mentally feeble.
4.55s(GUNSHOTS) God, I wish I could get tickets to that show.
2.07sThat's right, Joyce. And just to put it out there,
2sTom Tucker is packin'.
3.1sI drive a 2006 Infiniti, and I don't intend to lose it.
1.57sSo come and get some, punks.
2.6sAn increase in crime? That can't be right.
2.07sI haven't noticed anything like that.
2.97sYou're in the house 14 hours a day. What would you notice?
0.97sWell, I hate to admit it, Lois,
1.69sbut over the last couple of years,
2.6sthis town has changed a lot, and not necessarily for the better.