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3.75sBut, ah, to amaze the crowd once more.
2.72sI understand the problems of age,
2.4sbut suppose I could put you in a new body?
3.9sNever! My body may be old, but it is mine,
3.84sand every crack a memory of heavy things shot a long way.
1.5sGood day!
6.74s(JEWELS CLATTERING) (SIGHS) I have everything I ever wanted. Money, wealth, riches.
1.55sYet something's missing.
2.2sA hot princess with whom to get grizzly.
4.07sHello. Hello, baby!
2.12sHuh? Hey, what's going on here?
2.82sAnd why are you kissing my dashing cousin instead of me?
2.15sNikolai, you imperial fool.
2.84sWe've been having an affair for 700 years.
5.14sAt long last, I shall kill you, blame the burglar and inherit the throne.