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2.44sLike this?
2.92sYeah. Now add a little turn and do a buck and wing.
3.07sCome on, Mr. Fargas, do the whole darn thing.
1.75sJeez, Mr. Fargas, what happened to you?
1.64sSomebody give you a fun-ectomy?
3.27sNo, they gave me these by order of the School Board.
1.55sThey said it evens me out.
1.67sSorry to fly off the handle likE That.
1.35sHere, let me see that.
3.37sThat's what I think about you taking chill pills from the Man.
1.75sLook, the old Farg made learning fun.
1.7sHe's what these kids need.
3.07sNow get back in that classroom and teach your "Fargin" ass off.
2.3sDon't come in! Just a minute!
3.04sChris, your mother wants me and you to have a talk.