5.39sOh, Doctor, I was in a wonderful place filled with fire and brimstone.
4.3sAnd there were all these guys in red pajamas sticking pitchforks in my butt.
3.14sMr. Simpson, you must get that operation as soon as possible.
4.62sI can't afford it. Maybe I should buy one of those machines.
2.17sNow, I know I haven't been the best Christian.
2.72sIn fact, when you're up there "blah, blah, blah-ing,"
3.94sI'm usually doodling or mentally undressing the female parishioners.
3.84sWell, anyhoo, can I have $40,000?
2.43sNow, I know I haven't been the best jew,
2.84sbut I rented Fiddler on the Roof, and I will watch it.
3.2s- Anyway, can I have $40,000?
- Hmm?