1.47sLISA: We've become pariahs!
3.39sIn the last two hours, I've gotten 1000 hate spams.
2.65s(RINGING) Y'ello?
3.54sAppear on your TV show? Tell our side of the story?
4.99sYou'll see us there? Goodbye? Dial tone?
2.1sMARGE: If there's one way to get the truth out,
2.58sit's on a cable news channel.
4.29sWhen we explain our side of the story, the hate calls will end.
2.75sI won't have to hear "Suck my such and such"
2.52sor "hell this" and "bitch that."
1.13sWe get it, Mom!
1.57sOh, no, no, let her finish.
2.27sLook, what should I say to make people not hate me?
2.27sSon, I've learned one thing in this life.