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3.34sIf you need anything, just give a whistle. I could use a TV tray.
0.5sWell, gee, I--
2.17sI just this minute bought it at the hardware--
0.65sYou said anything.
3.57sWell, sure, you can borrow it for a little while.
4.07sAnd that "little while" is now eight years and counting.
3.82sAnyway, Bart had just entered the terrible twoS.
7.64si am so great i am so great everybody loves me I am so great Hello? Honey? Honey, honey, honey? Everybody loves--
2.17sCould you please be quiet?
6.34sQuiet, biet, diet ziet, fiet Bart, get out!
3.2sIt's not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child,
3.99sbut somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV A day.
1.97sThe itchy and scratchy show