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7.26sfrom now on you'll be history you'll be hist you'll be hist you'll be history Buenos dÍas, neighboritos.
2.55sThe handle's Flanders, but my friends call me Ned.
0.65sHi, Flanders.
1.65sWho the hell are you?
3.95sMy name's Todd. Would you be my friend?
2.14sYou're funny.
3.34sIf you need anything, just give a whistle. I could use a TV tray.
0.5sWell, gee, I--
2.17sI just this minute bought it at the hardware--
0.65sYou said anything.
3.57sWell, sure, you can borrow it for a little while.
4.07sAnd that "little while" is now eight years and counting.
3.82sAnyway, Bart had just entered the terrible twoS.
7.64si am so great i am so great everybody loves me I am so great Hello? Honey? Honey, honey, honey? Everybody loves--
2.17sCould you please be quiet?
6.34sQuiet, biet, diet ziet, fiet Bart, get out!