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5.81sWas somebody looking for a son with a bright new path to adulthood and his very, very proud dad?
3.67sOh, Dylan, you got a haircut. Aren't you handsome?
3sFrom now on, I plan on being a real father to Dylan,
2.37sand together, we are gonna turn his life around.
1.8sRight, champ? You said it, Dad.
2.2s- All right! You ready for school? - Yeah.
1.2sHey, can I drive today?
2.17sThis kid! He's only 13.
1.67sI know. I was just kidding.
4.97s(EXCLAIMS) We got a young Adam Sandler here, I think. Right?
1.57s- Right? - Yes.
1.47s- Bye, Mom. - Bye!
2.13sAll right, kids. Have a good day at school.
2.54sHey, Dylan. Have a great day at school.
2.17sThanks, Dad. Hey. Knock, knock.
1.03sWho's there?
1.3sYou're there.
1.8sI'll always be there, Dylan.
1.33sHey. Knock, knock.
1.13sWho's there?
1.5sDanny Zuko.
3.27s(LAUGHS) Come on! The audition's not till 3:00. Don't jinx it.