2.14sLunch is ready, everyone.
1.53sWhoa, whoa, whoa. Lois, Lois. This is...
1.77s- This is white bread.
- Yeah. So?
1.83sWell, don't we have any of that whole-grain stuff?
1.6sNo. This was cheaper.
2.5sI just... I just... I don't want Dylan eating white bread.
2.53sBrian, there's nothing wrong with it. Our kids eat...
2.97s(SOFTLY) Lois, Lois, I do not want Dylan eating white bread.
1.94sBrian, I promise you, it's fine.
1.1sLois. Lois, Lois.
2.43sI will decide what is best for my child, all right?
1.37sLook, will you take it easy?
3.94sAnd, and, I do not want to have this conversation in front of my son.
3.34sOkay, you know what? That's it, Brian. Feed him whatever you want.