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4.59sAll right. Show's over. No refunds. You heard the robot. Get out.
5.09sI'm a fool. The fans haven't been cheering for me. They've been cheering at me.
5.34sDon't be upset, Leela. You, um-- You look really cute in your uniform.
5.09sThat's what makes it so sad! I thought I was doing something heroic!
3.35sYou are! What about that little girl you visited in the hospital?
2.03sYou know the one I mean-- the one who died?
3.84sYou're right. I can't let people down anymore.
5.39sAs God is my witness, I vow to earn the respect of girls and women everywhere.
4.54sI will become the best blernsball player of all time!
2.62sThat's statistically impossible.