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2.7sYeah, and I made the stars that became the carbon in your mother's ovaries!
1.63sI didn't ask to be born!
1.59sAll right, that's it! I'm out.
1.63sI-I'm gonna go into the wilderness,
2.94sand I'm gonna make a new life for myself among the tree people.
1.56sI-It can't be worse than this.
2.93sSure. Okay, Morty, Just be back before sundown or the tree people will eat you.
1.16sThat's a myth!
1.87sW-W-Why are you trying to start a myth?
1.56sIt's a prehistoric planet, Marty,
1.66sSomeone has to bring a little culture.
4.57sAnd i-i-it certainly can't be someone whose entire culture powers my brake lights!
2.47sGo, go, go!
2.33sOh, my god, Oh, god,
1.97sWhat are we gonna do now?
2.3sFEMALE VC)ICE: i am unable to destroy this army,
2.94sTo clarity, iam quite able to destroy this army,
2.59sbut you Wiii not permit it. Correct.
3.87sYou aiso refuse to authorize emotionai countermeasures.
2.4sIf you're talking about the melting ghost babies,
1.73syes, please, no more ofthat.
3.9si am currently constructing a security measure in compliance with your parameters.