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1.33sHuh. That's a step up,
1.23sWe have no leaders.
2.53sWe follow only the will of the forest.
1.13sOoh. Wow.
1.49sThat is pretty gay.
1.87sYou two call yourselves geniuses,
2.63sbut you have spent this time learning nothing.
1.76sCome with me into the forest.
2.53sThere is something I wish to teach you.
3.6sThis is Ku'ala, the spirit tree.
1.93sFor generations, it has guided the --
2.06sYou have to get us the fuck outta here.
1.83sThese people are backwards savages.
3.69sThey eat every third baby because they think it makes fruit grow bigger.
2.47sEveryone's gross, and they all smell like piss all the time.
2.56sI m-- I m-- I miss my family. I miss my laptop.
3.27sI masturbated to an extra-curvy piece of driftwood the other day!
1.63sLook, I-I don't care what it takes.
1.63sYou two are putting aside your bullshit,
2.33sand you're working together to get us back home.
1.83sNo can do, Marty, I just can't.