1.8sOh, they won't be slaves.
2.03sThey'll work for each other and pay each other money.
5.06sThat just sounds like slavery with ex... tra... steps.
1.73s- What?
- Wait a minute.
2.63sDid you create my universe? Is my universe a miniverse?
1.03sUh, teenyverse.
1.87sYou bastard!
1.99sMuch obliged.
1.8sYou're my battery, motherfucker!
1.23sThat's all you are.
1.93sI made you. Your microverse sucks!
2.09sAnd your miniverse is the size of a fucking lobster tank!
1.02sIt's wack!
1.99sAre they not really aliens?
2.26sNah, they're just a couple of crazy,
1.99swacky scientists, you know?
1.47sSo he made a universe,
1.66sand that guy is from that universe.
1sYou're my battery!
1.26sAnd that guy made a universe.