1.53sSure, Peter. Whatever you want.
2.87sHey, hey, whassat? Whassat, boy? Whassat?
1.57sUh. Surgical equipment.
1.6sWhose is that? Whose is that?
1.33sProbably belongs to the hospital.
1.77sWhassat for? Huh? Whassat for?
3sUm. Cutting me open, harvesting my organs and killing me.
1.65sYou gonna go get it? You gonna get it, boy?
1.67sNo, I think, I think the doctors need it.
1.6sCan we... Can we just lay here?
3.37sWell, you see, Mrs. Griffin, I found another donor for your husband.
1.9sYou did? Who?
1.8sMe. What?
1.7sIt turns out I'm a perfect match.
2.17sAnd I'm willing to give up one of my kidneys.