1.82sOh, God, just wipe your nose, man!
1.57sCan I have a hug, Brian?
1.77sOh, no, no, God, no, no, not now, no!
1.65sI want a hug! I love...
1.4sNo, no. Just wipe...
1.4sOh, God, there's no Kleenex. I love you, Brian!
0.87sI love you so much!
1.48sGo... Go roll around in the sandbox...
3.3sIn the summer house! Go... Go to the summer house and roll around!
2.38sWell, here we go.
2.63sYou know, buddy, I'm really gonna miss having a dog.
3.24sHey, what do you say you be my dog one last time, huh?
1.53sSure, Peter. Whatever you want.
2.87sHey, hey, whassat? Whassat, boy? Whassat?
1.57sUh. Surgical equipment.