4.62sOh, my God. Kidney failure? Is he gonna be okay?
1.64sWell, yes and no.
2.22sWe'll put him on a kidney transplant list, but that could take months.
4.2sUntil a donor is found, he's gonna have to undergo dialysis treatments three times a week.
3.09sDialysis? Is there any other way?
3.1sNo, no, no, no, no! Wait, wait. We'll do the dialysis.
2.08sHey, Doc, I'm here for my dialysis.
2.74sHave a seat, Peter. Let's get you hooked up.
1.58sDoc, I don't know how much more of this I can take.
1.07sIt's been three weeks.
1.55sI know, I saw the caption.
2.07sYeah, but I just go crazy just sitting here for so long.
1.43sI know it's tough,