2.6sYay! Calculon's back!
1.43sRight. So long.
3.14sDo you think Calculon's evil twin will ever walk again?
2.17sI don't know, Amy. I just don't know.
3.1sWah! Hey, thanks for coming.
1.63sFry, you're Bender's best friend.
2sHow could you let that mob kick him out?
2.74sAw, come on. Bender loves mobs.
2.1sOnly when he's in them, and you know it.
1.9sYou really hurt his feelings.
1.8sDon't girl me with that girl stuff.
1.27sBender and me are guys.
1.57sGuys don't have feelings.
2.67sBender's not a guy; he's a robot.